Not to beat some dead horses, but here it goes anyways ....
Recently an SMA family posted about the #ALSICEBUCKETCHALLENGE and the connection with SMA. The SMA family wants to thank ALS for opening the door so we can now bombarde you with information on our kids.
We all know that this is a great fundraiser and will be in awe of it for years to come. Let's all hope that the monies will benefit cousin diseases such as SMA which is the largest killer of children under the age of 2. So they have raised millions of dollars and if you want to consider sharing, then please ask me what SMA research would benefit from your dollars and Ice!
Now, this peeve is for us in the Southwestern USA, California and areas short of water, just imagine if all of those in the midwest and east would ship this ice and water to the western states we could refill our water reservoirs and lakes and save our grass, trees, and shower more than twice a week ...
The morals to these peeves are save your water and send your money to an SMA friendly research project!
Pet Peeve # 2 .....
Still concerning Facebook and many posts are addressed to Moms, now as a man don't get me wrong moms are great ! BUT ladies, there are men on a lot of these groups that could offer a lot of information to your questions.
The moral to this peeve is open your questions to all of us!
Pet Peeve # 3 ....
This one I'll throw in as a closer is the use of abbreviations and shortening of words. The age of texting started this with a limit of words to 160 when texting started, people abbreviated words. Texting is now wide open and able to write full and complete sentences. OR, maybe schools haven't taught everyone how to spell yet?
The moral of this peeve is that Shakespeare made up words in all of his writings, when you achieve his status of writing then you can use strange words such as he did .....
Now What Say Ye?
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